
Emotion Italy Experience

It’s the new platform dedicated to booking travel experiences, short or daily, in some locations in central-southern Italy.

Each proposal reveals the particularities of a destination, known or not, following a thematic and personalized story. Art, culture, food and wine, sport and history are the main categories through which the places are discovered, between enchantment and curiosity, to create an unforgettable bond between traveler and destinations.

Opportunities to immerse yourself in unique emotions and stories in the selected locations, living unforgettable experiences.

We want to create and present

Travel experiences


We want to present travel experiences that can create emotions, stories and uniqueness based on the particularities that characterize each proposed location.


We want to create integrated and sustainable tourism, to develop a relationship between destinations and travelers based, not on the consumer exchange of services, but on the opportunities for comparison with local actors and the territory.

Danilo and Gerardo

The team

The team is made up of young people, enthusiasts and experts in the tourism sector who want to propose an alternative model of tourism. Each proposal is designed to focus on the beauties and particularities that characterize the irresistible charm of each destination, to capture the most hidden aspect.

Danilo Testa
Responsible for development and programming, Incoming Experience in Lazio.

Expert in the implementation of cultural and educational projects and passionate about everything related to Geography. I take care of capturing and reworking the particularities that characterize a destination to create thematic tours capable of creating curiosity and wonder.

Gerardo Russo
Responsible for development and programming, Incoming & Experience in Campania.

Expert in development economics and responsible tourism. I am looking for stories, experiences and adventures to share with travelers, creating itineraries capable of telling the most fascinating details of each destination.


Emotion Italy Experience

Book an exclusive tour at a memorable price! Choose our special packages and get things ready for the trip you dream of.


Via Resicco, 11
80050 Pimonte (NA) Italy


Call now: +39 349 784 4849
